Technical Documentation Services - Instruction Manuals

Our technical documentation services help you create, review, and translate instruction manuals, labels, packaging or other technical documents in order to meet the regulations and expectations of your market

Our team of experts can help you create, review, and translate a wide variety of technical documents. Achieve regulatory compliance, meet customer expectations, and elevate your product’s market presence with our technical documentation services.

Product compliance is not just about meeting regulatory requirements – it's also about ensuring customers know how to safely use your product. Having correct and comprehensive instruction manuals, labels, and packaging protect your brand’s reputation and ensure your customers’ safety.

Our technical documentation services include:

  • Creation and review of:

    • instruction manuals

    • quick start guides

    • labels and packaging for a wide variety of product types

  • Technical translation services

  • Creation of video instructions with live demonstrations

  • Creation of dedicated graphics tailored to your product

Meet Regulatory Requirements

With QIMA, you can avoid costly recalls, complaints, and potential litigation. We specialize in helping you comply with all regulations in your destination markets by helping you create accurate, compliant, and easy-to-understand documentation.

Instructions are often required to help customers understand how to safely use a product (particularly for more complex products such as electrical appliances and DIY furniture). Both U.S. and European law specify that manufacturers are legally obligated to provide both warnings and instructions on certain kinds of products. In addition to instructions, a manual must also describe the intended use of the product to avoid any possible safety issues.

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Technical Documentation: Creation and Review of Instruction Manuals

Unsure if your existing product instruction manual meets regulatory requirements? Is it a challenge to create your manuals from scratch?

QIMA is here to help. Our specialist technical documentation team will create new instruction manuals for you or verify your existing instruction manuals based on EN 82079-1 and the German Product Safety Act.

We provide technical documentation services for:

Electrical appliances

  • BBQ grills

  • Lamps

  • Microwaves

  • Refrigerators

  • Stoves

  • Washing machines


  • Cabinets

  • Closets

  • Chainsaws

  • Drills

  • Shelves

  • Table saws

Sports equipment

  • Bikes

  • E-bikes

  • Fitness equipment

  • Tents and camping gear

Toys & juvenile products

  • Helmets

  • Toys

Ensure Compliance with QIMA Product Label Creation

Product labels serve as vital tools for providing consumers with important product information and ensuring regulatory compliance.

For many products, specific legal requirements dictate what must be found on labels. Complying with global labelling regulations can be a challenging and a time-consuming task. Whether you are selling goods locally or exporting to other countries, we can design or review your product labels to ensure they meet all the mandatory labelling requirements for that country.

Enter New Markets with ISO-Certified Translators

If you would like to enter new markets with an existing product, leave the translation to us.

QIMA’s global network of certified translators helps you enter new markets by providing expert-quality translation services for all European and Asian languages. We work exclusively with ISO 17100:2015-certified translation agencies that use only native language translators to ensure your manual translation is accurate and easy-to-understand for consumers in your destination market.

Video Instructions

Text and illustrations can be difficult to understand when building, assembling, fitting or installing complex items.

A video with live demonstrations can help your customers better understand the instructions. Our technical documentation services team can help you produce high quality instruction videos to help your customers easily understand.

The QIMA Benefits

Technical documentation experts who receive regular training on regulations and best practices

Translation experts who are native speakers of the destination market’s language

Global coverage across Asia, Africa, Europe, North, and South America

Online program management to book technical documentation services, make payments, and download detailed reports

Beyond Instruction Manuals: More Resources

Laboratory Testing

Consumer safety involves more than accurate instruction manual. QIMA offers an extensive selection of lab tests to ensure the safety of your electrical & electronic products, toys & juvenile products, and hardline and softline products. Our tests are performed to the full range of international standards and we have labs located worldwide in Asia, Europe, and Americas.

Find out more about our lab testing service.

  • EU CE Mark - See which products sold in the EU require a CE mark and learn about the key considerations for manufacturers and importers.

  • German Safety Mark - Learn about the German Product Safety Act and how it affects your business.

  • In-House Test Mark - Stand out from the competition and demonstrate compliance with safety standards by affixing a QIMA test mark.