Ensure responsible manufacturing with QIMA's specialized services in ESG supply chain due diligence. We help you navigate the complex landscape of environmental and human rights compliance, ensuring your company complies with ESG legislation and fosters best practices. From audits to risk dashboards and more, we provide the tools manufacturers need to enhance due diligence in their supply chains.
Mandatory Due Diligence: Safeguarding Your Supply Chain
Amidst a surge in new global environmental and human rights regulations, competitive companies must adopt strategies to ensure responsible practices and comply with legislation. From voluntary business-led initiatives to mandatory due diligence in supply chains, the evolving landscape demands a proactive stance.
Mandatory due diligence requirements are diverse; they may concentrate exclusively on human rights, encompass environmental considerations, focus on single issues like climate change or forced labor, or work to enhance the traceability of products and commodities. Establishing your due diligence framework requires a robust, risk-based strategy that takes into account regulatory specifications, international ethical standards, and the entire value chain.
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Managing Due Diligence Effectively Is Today’s License to Operate
Successfully navigating mandatory due diligence is crucial for businesses, as it ensures ethical practices, fosters accountability in the supply chain, reduces risks, and promotes consumer trust through public disclosure.
At QIMA, we help you extend the reach of mandatory due diligence throughout your supply chain—from tracing raw materials at their source to reaching retail shelves. Our services ensure seamless compliance, enabling your business to thrive in an era where comprehensive ESG due diligence is not only desired, but required.

How Can QIMA Help?
QIMA is here to assist you on your due diligence journey. Whether you're just beginning or seeking support for a specific due diligence activity, our diverse range of solutions can be tailored to your needs. Our services include:
Toolkits and Training: develop and implement your ESG and supply chain due diligence strategy
Supply Chain Mapping: create visibility in the supply chain by mapping beyond tier 1 suppliers using our supply chain self-assessment questionnaires (SAQs)
Digital Risk Assessment: identify and reduce ESG risk with QIMA’s comprehensive Risk Dashboards
Traceability Services: track and ensure the authenticity of raw materials with PO-by-PO mapping, traceability audits, DNA marker tracing and isotope provenance testing
ESG and Due Diligence Audits: ensure responsible business practices with environmental and chemical audits as well as ethical audits, including human rights and forced labor audits, structural audits and fire safety audits.
Grievance Mechanisms: make your audit more worker centric by integrating worker surveys and ensure access to solutions by instituting worker hotlines and targeted remediation activities.
Contact us to discover how we can help your business meet the increasing ESG and due diligence requirements.
Collaborating to Make a Difference
Ensuring compliance and due diligence takes continuous effort and can only be done by working collaboratively. QIMA participates in the United Nations Global Compact initiative and partners with key industry players to work towards safe and transparent supply chains.
The QIMA Benefits
Global coverage in over 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.
Flexibility with fully customizable programs and reports to save time and cost.
Risk-based approach with analytical data to help you proactively identify and prevent quality and safety issues in your supply chain.
Fully certified and accredited to all major inspection, audit and testing schemes.
Custom dashboard to identify trends and make informed decisions in real-time.
Personalized service with dedicated account manager and 24 hour customer support.