Recycled Polyester (rPET) Fabric Testing

QIMA offers testing programs to determine the content of recycled polyester (rPET) in textiles and apparel. Leverage our global network of accredited laboratories to help increase circularity and back up your brand’s sustainability claims.

Secure Your Reputation with Recycled Polyester (rPET) Testing

As consumers increasingly demand sustainably-made products, more and more businesses are committing to increasing rPET content in their textile and apparel products. In fact, over 100 major brands have signed on to the Recycled Polyester Challenge, a pledge to source up to 45% of polyester from recycled sources by 2025 (and 90% by 2030).

When incorporating rPET into textile and apparel supply chains, it’s vital that you ensure your textile suppliers are not using higher-than-stated amounts of virgin polyester in their fibers or fabrics. Our experts help you verify that you are working with ethical suppliers so that the actual rPET content in your textile product matches the label. Our global network of testing labs can help you protect your reputation and avoid inadvertently false sustainability claims.

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Recycled Polyester Lab Testing Expertise

Our testing programs for the textile, apparel, and footwear industry deliver proven data on the recycled material content in your fabric, helping you increase fiber traceability in your supply chain and make recycled claims with confidence. Using cutting-edge equipment, our lab technicians can determine the content of rPET in your sample by measuring the concentration of IPA (isophthalic acid), a compound contained in plastic drinks bottles, which is a primary component of recycled polyester.

The sample can be collected directly from your supplier’s facilities at any stage of manufacturing, so you can be sure that the sample we test accurately represents your actual production run.

QIMA recycled polyester testing can be provided as a standalone service, or seamlessly incorporated as part of a comprehensive textile and apparel testing program that includes chemical, physical and mechanical tests against a wide range of international product quality and safety standards.

Why Perform Recycled Polyester Testing?

  • Obtain proven data to back up your sustainability claims

  • Make informed decisions about which suppliers to use for sourcing of rPET fabric

  • Increase consumer confidence and loyalty

  • Accelerate your brand’s sustainability agenda

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The QIMA Benefits

Global coverage in over 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.

Flexibility with fully customizable programs and reports to save time and cost.

Risk-based approach with analytical data to help you proactively identify and prevent quality and safety issues in your supply chain.

Fully certified and accredited to all major inspection, audit and testing schemes.

Custom dashboard to identify trends and make informed decisions in real-time.

Personalized service with dedicated account manager and 24 hour customer support.