A 360° tour of our Labs

Get a full view of QIMA's laboratories, where we address product safety compliance needs for clients in 120 countries.

Drying OvenDrying OvenDrying Oven

QIMA Hangzhou

  • Physical and Chemical

  • Equipped with GC-MS, ICP-OES, EDXRF, IC, HPLC, UV/Vis, Sound tester, etc.

  • Some products tested at this lab are textiles, food contact items and footwear

Our Labs

QIMA provides extensive testing capabilities specific to our client's industry with our global network of ISO 17025 accredited in-house laboratories in Europe, Asia and America. QIMA brings together a team of over 450 trained chemists, engineers, technicians and laboratory managers to cater to your compliance and quality needs for toys and children's products, textiles, general merchandise, eyewear, gifts, personal care products, food contact and more.

We encourage our clients to visit our labs and take a tour but have provided a virtual tour if your schedule won't allow it.

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