Global Market Access Solutions

Get your electrical and electronic products to market faster with QIMA's comprehensive Global Market Access (GMA) solutions. Ensure regulatory compliance and access new markets with our expert guidance and streamlined certification processes.

One-Stop Testing and Certification for Global Market Access

QIMA’s global market access (GMA) solutions allow electrical and electronic businesses to launch their products in new markets quickly and easily. Our experts understand the challenges and complexities of the regulatory requirements you encounter in various destination markets and can help you launch compliant, safe, and high-quality products with the proper testing and certification programs.

With our expertise, we handle testing, local representation, certification, and all other aspects of compliance to empower you to break into new markets with ease.

Achieve Compliance: QIMA's global market access solutions ensure that your products meet the rigorous regulatory standards of new markets, mitigating the risks of noncompliance. Avoid costly setbacks and lost time by entrusting our experts to guide you through the compliance journey.

Ensure Seamless Market Entry: We streamline the process, enabling you to enter new markets smoothly without delays or complications. Say goodbye to the headaches of deciphering foreign regulations and let QIMA handle the complexities on your behalf.

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Achieve Global Reach: Seamlessly Enter New Markets with QIMA

Our global market access solutions extend to numerous countries, where we facilitate your entry into new markets. Our rapid laboratory testing capabilities; globally recognized certifications, including the globally recognized CB Scheme; and our strategic agreements with local certification bodies ensure efficient importation and compliance.

We facilitate streamlined importation and ensure your products meet the standards of countries including, but not limited to:

  • Mexico

  • Australia and New Zealand

  • China

  • Korea

  • Japan

  • India

  • Israel

  • Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

  • Saudi Arabia

  • UAE

  • And more.

We offer global market access solutions for many countries beyond those listed above. If you don’t see your destination market listed, contact us for more information.

Why QIMA? Unlock Access to Key Markets

At QIMA, we are your one-stop gateway to global market access, offering a myriad of advantages that set us apart:

  • Rapid Product Testing: With state-of-the-art laboratories for product testing, we leave no room for uncertainty when it comes to compliance. Your products undergo rigorous assessments, guaranteeing they meet the relevant quality and safety standards. We offer industry leading turnaround time for testing, ensuring your products make it to market quickly.

  • Global Market Access Solutions Tailored to You: Our GMA solutions are meticulously crafted to suit your unique product and target market. We understand that one size doesn't fit all, and our expertise ensures your compliance journey is finely tuned to your needs. With direct access to our test engineers, you can understand our testing and certification process for your desired markets.

  • Global Presence: With over 60 offices and labs and a presence in more than 100 countries, QIMA is a global leader in quality control for electronic products and other consumer goods. Our extensive network means we have an intimate understanding of the customs and culture of your destination market, facilitating a seamless transition into new territories.

  • Regulatory Expertise: We take the responsibility of staying up to date with ever-evolving regulatory updates so that you don't have to. Our experts are well-versed in the intricate web of global regulations, ensuring your products remain compliant as you expand into new markets.

When you choose QIMA, you're not just selecting a service; you're investing in a partnership that empowers your business to unlock access to key markets with ease, confidence, and precision.

  • IECEE CB Scheme: Learn how certification under the CB Scheme (IECEE CB Scheme) for a variety of electrical appliances, office equipment, and household goods helps you enter new markets.

  • Electrical and Electronic Product Testing: Learn how QIMA’s lab testing for electrical and electronic products helps ensure compliance with a variety of standards and international regulations.