HOKLAS Accreditation Gives Added Protection To Your Eyewear
"The use of an international standard for recognising competence has led to increased confidence in testing and calibration laboratories and facilitated the acceptance of test results by authorities around the world." -- HOKLAS Technical Criteria for Laboratory Accreditation (TCLA)

Before any piece of eyewear can be legally sold, they must pass dozens of quality, durability and conformance tests. In fact, it would be accurate to say these tests are the first line of protection for our eyes before a product is even brought to market.
In 2014, there were over 23,000 reported cases of work-related eye injuries in America, and, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), eye injuries account for about $300 million dollars per year in lost production time, medical expenses and worker compensation.
How can a company be certain that their eyewear products are meeting national and international standards for safety, functionality and endurance?
By using a lab testing service:
Expert in all facets of testing requirements
Which performs tests either in-house or through a network of preferred partners using a consistency of testing standards across all locations
Which first holds itself to internationally-based laboratory criteria
QIMA uses HOKLAS certified laboratories for all of its eyewear testing. HOKLAS -- Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme -- is a voluntary scheme open to any Hong Kong lab wishing to participate.
Following ISO/IEC 17025:2005 criteria for both technical competence and management system requirements, HOKLAS certification sets labs apart as having reached the highest international standard for product testing.
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HOKLAS Accreditation Monitors Labs Closely
Because protective eyewear manufacturing is such a Quality Control-intensive industry, making sure specifications are being met with complete consistency is of utmost importance.
A HOKLAS certified laboratory has the benefit of regular QC checks on its testing equipment, while performance is evaluated through surveillance visits. Testing methods, competence, overall lab organization and management must be as consistent as the production of merchandise under scrutiny.
Top Down Expertise Guaranteed
HOKLAS criteria places particular importance on what it calls “management system requirements”, which outlines expectations for lab management. The TCLA’s “Policy on Organization” states that lab officers-in-charge shall:
Have sound knowledge of the principles of the technical discipline
Provide adequate supervision
Have the ability to make critical evaluations of test and calibration results
HOKLAS certification adds an extra layer of assurance to your eyewear testing requirements. QIMA can perform a variety of mechanical and optical lab tests and deliver HOKLAS-endorsed reports to help you protect your company’s vision.
Easily Schedule Your Eyewear Tests Online
Our online platform and mobile application make it easy for you to schedule Eyewear tests and inspections, and receive your results at any time. Book new tests and inspections, view pending orders, and access results from your mobile device. Our online platform provides valuable supply chain insights, including a summary of your QC activity, all of your supplier’s quality stats, industry benchmarking data, and more.
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The QIMA Benefits
Global coverage in over 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.
Flexibility with fully customizable programs and reports to save time and cost.
Risk-based approach with analytical data to help you proactively identify and prevent quality and safety issues in your supply chain.
Fully certified and accredited to all major inspection, audit and testing schemes.
Custom dashboard to identify trends and make informed decisions in real-time.
Personalized service with dedicated account manager and 24 hour customer support.