EU REACH Compliance and Testing
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is one of the most comprehensive pieces of environmental legislation to come out of the European Union. It pertains to EU-based manufacturers and importers, requiring them to register chemicals that are manufactured or found existing in their products with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). This applies to all chemical substances that exceed one metric ton/year on a per substance per manufacturer basis. Failure to comply could result in product bans from sale in the EU market.
REACH testing is one of the methods used to determine whether or not products contain restricted chemicals, or substances of very high concern (SVHCs). Third-party laboratory testing allows you to verify compliance by testing for restricted or threshold-limited substances.
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Restricted and Limited Substances
REACH compliance testing tests products for the presence of substances found on Annex XVII and Candidate List of SVHCs. If a chemical is present in any concentration and is listed on Annex XVII, it will fail testing and would be banned from the EU market. SVHCs require authorization to be used in any product and are generally allowed if the concentration is less than 0.1% of the total product weight. If the concentration is higher, the importer or manufacturer must disclose this to customers with correct labeling and to ECHA, and may be subject to restrictions.

Below are some of the chemicals REACH regulates:
Annex XVII Restricted Substances
AZO colorants in textiles
Nickel release from metal products in direct contact with skin
Asbestos fibres
Arsenic compounds
Mercury compounds
Candidate list of SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern)
Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or toxic to Reproduction (CMR)
Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) or very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative (vPvB)
Identified, on a case-by-case basis, from scientific evidence as causing probable serious effects to human health or the environment of an equivalent level of concern as those above (e.g. endocrine disruptors).
What to Expect From REACH Testing
In your REACH compliance tests, we can perform full SVHCs test and deliver you a detailed report that includes the REACH-compliant testing methodology used, test results, and pictures of the specimens you provided. The report will deliver a PASS/FAIL determination and concentration levels for SVHC tests. We also offer screening for selected SVHCs based on client request.
You can also leverage QIMA’s quality control expertise by integrating REACH testing with your product inspections. This option allows you to maintain product quality and ensure REACH compliance at the same time.
Recent REACH Updates
Candidate List Extension
On Nov 7, 2024, one new SVHC was added to the Candidate List (triphenyl phosphate), which now contains 242 substances.
Why Partner with QIMA For Your REACH Testing?
QIMA REACH testing can help you prepare your registration of chemical substances with ECHA and ensure compliance with REACH regulations.
Our regulatory expertise in the EU is supported by:
A network of global labs providing one-stop service to you and your suppliers
Industry leading turnaround time for testing
Testing capabilities covering a wide range of consumer products including electrical & electronics, hardlines, softlines, toys and juvenile products
Lab experts trained and certified in regulatory standards and the newest testing methods
Global technical support team with rich experience to help you build tailor-made testing programs
Easy online and mobile booking and dashboard for managing orders and accessing data anywhere, any time
Join over 30,000 global brands and book your REACH testing today.
More Resources
REACH Compliance Requirements - Read about REACH requirements and who is responsible for registering chemicals with ECHA.