PrimusGFS Certification

QIMA/WQS offers certification under the GFSI recognized PrimusGFS scheme for the produce sector, including growing operations and fresh-cut produce.

PrimusGFS Certification Scheme

PrimusGFS is a GFSI-benchmarked audit scheme for certification in the produce sector, including farms, indoor agriculture, harvest crews, and facilities engaged in the storage, handling or processing of agricultural products. The scheme covers the scope of the supply chain from pre- to post- farm gate production.

The PrimusGFS scheme covers both Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) scopes, as well as Food Safety Management Systems. Certification under PrimusGFS provides your customers with proof and assurance that your farm, harvest and facility food safety programs are effective and in alignment with globally recognized food safety standards.

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Is PrimusGFS the Right Certification Scheme for You?

QIMA/WQS offers certification under the PrimusGFS scheme for businesses operating in the fresh produce sector, including:

  • Farms (ranches)

  • Indoor agriculture (greenhouses)

  • Harvest crews

  • Storage and distribution

  • Cooler/cold storage

  • Packing house

  • Processing

What is Assessed During PrimusGFS Certification?

The PrimusGFS Standard is divided into seven modules which are applicable depending on

the operation:

  • Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)

  • Farm (GAP)

  • Indoor Agriculture (GAP)

  • Harvest Crew (GAP)

  • Facility (GMP)

  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points – HACCP (GMP)

  • Preventive Control (GMP)

Why Do You Need PrimusGFS Certification?

  • Verify that your business is capable of producing safe products to customer specifications

  • Avoid duplicate audits by implementing a standardized checklist and assessment system

  • Improve the efficiency of your farming operations

  • Meet the standards for GAP and GMP criteria

  • Ensure improved compliance with regulatory food safety requirements

Why Choose QIMA/WQS for PrimusGFS Certification?

  • A team with over 30 years of experience in the food industry supply chain, ready to deliver end-to-end solutions to your business.

  • Specialized in the food industry, with a structure designed to facilitate and expedite the complex certification process and support you every step of the way.

  • QIMA/WQS counts with local experienced food auditors approved for multiple schemes

    specializing in all food safety quality areas.

  • More than 9,000 satisfied clients at every stage of the food supply chain.