Animal Welfare Certification
With increasing public and market attention on the inner workings of THE food industry, producers are required to comply with increasingly stricter animal welfare standards if they want to enjoy profitable partnerships with major buyers and avoid consumer backlash.
QIMA/WQS can help you demonstrate your compliance through audits and by achieving certification against animal welfare international requirements. This scheme was internally developed and designed to assess compliance on farms, in transport, and slaughterhouses.
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What Is Animal Welfare?
Broadly, animal welfare refers to how the animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. To confirm that an animal is in a good state of welfare, there needs to be scientific verification that it is kept healthy, comfortable, well-nourished, and safe, is able to express innate behavior (e.g. free-roaming), and is not suffering from pain, fear or distress. Achieving good animal welfare requires disease prevention and veterinary treatment, appropriate shelter, management, nutrition, humane handling, and humane slaughter.
Animal Welfare Certification Schemes
The animal welfare scheme covers different species:
Animal Welfare and PAACO
The mission of PAACO (Professional animal auditor certification) is to promote animal welfare through the training of auditors and audit certification and today it is recognized as an authority when training auditors.
QIMA/WQS, in partnership with PAACO, promotes (exclusively in Brazil and Latin America), the training of auditors that apply internationally recognized animal welfare audit protocols (NAMI: North American Meat Institute and NCC: National Chicken Council), so that interested companies have the opportunity to demonstrate their compliance with the requirements and their teams are motivated to promote the continuous improvement of their processes aimed at animal welfare.
Why Choose QIMA/WQS for Animal Welfare Certification and Audits?
A team with over 30 years of experience in the food industry supply chain, ready to deliver end-to-end solutions to your business.
Specialized in the food industry, with a structure designed to facilitate and expedite the complex certification process and support you every step of the way.
We count with local experienced food auditors approved for multiple schemes,
specializing in all food safety quality areas.
More than 9,000 satisfied clients at every stage of the food supply chain.
QIMA Benefits
In-depth local knowledge with auditors attuned to the culture, laws and practices of their region.
CSR experts receive regular training on regulations and best practice.
Global coverage across 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.
Continuous improvement approach drives long-term change and empowers suppliers to act.
Online program management book audits, make payments and download detailed reports.
Custom compliance dashboard to assess supplier performance, track progress and visualize your supply network.